Recruitment process for TA managers
Support for managers
This page provides support and information on the recruitment process for TA managers.
Content on this page:
- Recruitment team
- Job description
- Vacancy announcement and selection procedure
- Interviews
- Tests and samples
- MBL – negotiantions with the trade unions
Please note: The recruitment of TA managers should always follow the standard TA recruitment process. This process is only an addition and specifies the parts that differs when it comes to recruiting TA managers.
LÄNK till TA-processen
In all recruitment, the recruiting manager has the ultimate responsibility and is the one who will make the formal decision to recruit. Operational HR support provides administrative and labour law support throughout the recruitment process.
Recruitment team
In a managerial recruitment process, the recruitment team can take different forms and consist of different participants. However, the following functions should always be included in a managerial recruitment:
- Employer representatives: Recruiting manager and HR officer
- Trade union representatives: Representatives from Saco-S, OFR/S and Seko should always be invited to participate with one representative each.
Other stakeholders may also be invited to participate in the recruitment process if the recruiting manager considers there is a need. These may be, for example, coworkers, managerial colleagues and/or other functions in the organisation.
If possible, the recruitment team should consist of people with different backgrounds to increase the possibility of keeping recruitment as free of discrimination and unconscious bias as possible. The group should preferably have a discussion about what unconscious bias is before starting the recruitment process. It is also important that there is no relationship, either personal or professional, between the and the candidate in question.
(Read more about Disqualification)
Job description
When recruiting managers, it is advisable to let several groups have their say regarding the job description, regardless of whether they are involved in the continued recruitment process or not. Employees, managerial colleagues, management, stakeholders in the organization and union representatives can all have relevant input when it comes to the job description, as they see the managerial position from different perspectives.
Read more about the job description (LÄNK)
Vacancy announcement and selection procedure
When recruiting managers, it is particularly important to distribute the vacancy announcement thru the right channels. The organization's HR officer can provide support on which announcement channels to use and on suitable selection questions. The selection of applications is made by the recruitment team, either alone or together with other suitable functions such as coworker, managerial colleges or trade unions. In cases where several groups are involved, it is advisable for the recruitment team to make an initial screening of the candidates.
Read more about the vacancy announcement and selection (LÄNK)
If several groups are to hold interviews, it is important that the interviews are conducted adjacent to each other with a short break in between to facilitate the candidates. It is also important that the candidates are informed that they will meet several groups and how much time is allocated for the interviews. I
Trade union representatives should be invited to conduct their own interviews, either at the first or second interview session.
Other stakeholders may be able to participate in the interview process, either by conducting their own interview or by sending questions to the employer representatives' interview. One option is to have the final candidates meet employees/others from the organization for a short coffee break after the second interview. In this way, the candidates get a picture of who they will be working with and the employees get a picture of the candidates.
If there are several groups that conducts interviews, it is important to have a reconciliation meeting with all groups to get overall assessment of the candidates. It is always the recruiting manager who makes the final decision on which candidate to hire, other groups and participants in the recruitment are only there to provide input from their perspectives not to make the final decision.
Read more about interviews and interview techniques (LÄNK)
Tests and work samples
The use of occupational psychological tests is recommended for managerial recruitment. Usually, the tests are used for the second round of interviews. It may also be appropriate to produce one or more work samples.
Read more about tests and work samples (LÄNK)
MBL- negotiations with the trade unions
According to Section 11 of the Co-determination Act (MBL), an employer is obliged to initiate and conduct negotiations with the trade unions before deciding on a major change in operations. Hiring a manager is such a change. Recruitment of TA managers must therefore always be negotiated according to 11§ MBL with Saco-S, OFR/S and Seko. This should be done when the final candidate is appointed, but before a decision of employment is made.
The negotiation can be carried out via a special protocol which, together with supporting documents, is sent by e-mail to the trade union organizations' functional addresses.
Read more about MBL (LÄNK)
Please note that it is important to follow the standard TA recruitment process. The process described on this page is only a specific annex for the recruitment of TA managers.
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Your HR function
HR support is organised differently in different parts of the university, which means that HR functions may be located at departmental, institutional or office level.
If you do not know who your nearest HR function is, please contact the HR manager at your office.