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Step 1: Distribution of responsibilities and start-up

Support for managers

This page provides support and information about step one in the recruitment process for post-doc fellows.

Content on this page:

Distribution of responsibilities

In a recruitment, the head of department/equivalent has the ultimate responsibility and is the one who will make the formal decision to recruit. Without approval from the head of department/equivalent, the recruitment may not be carried out.
An HR function should always be present to provide professional recruitment support such as labor law and administration. 

NOTE! At some faculties, LFN has the main responsibility for postdoctoral appointments and may then have its own recruitment process for postdocs that must be followed.

Review panel

In the case of a postdoc recruitment, a review panel (or equivalent) must be set up in accordance with Lund University's employment regulations, Chapter 5.2.

The group works together on needs analysis, requirements profile, interviews and selection. Remember to handle any conflict of interest situations that may arise during recruitment

Needs analysis

Before starting the process of recruiting a postdoctoral researcher, the institution should analyze the need and possibility of hiring a postdoctoral researcher by conducting a needs analysis. Questions that should be asked are, for example, whether there will be changes in the staff group in the near future that should be considered now? What is the funding situation and is there a plan for how it will be maintained throughout the period of employment? Can the need be solved without hiring a postdoc (e.g. restructuring of tasks)?

When a recruitment involves international cooperation with other universities, funders or other partners, the regulations regarding global responsibility should also be considered by completing the checklist for global responsible engagement.

Go to the checklist for global responsible engagement (Staff pages)

Use the needs analysis template to analyze needs and conditions for recruitment. 

Ny mall för behovsanalys


Contact your nearest HR function at faculty level/equivalent.

Via the HR Division's case management system, it is also possible, based on your role in the HR work, to ask questions to the HR Division in different areas.

Log in to the case management system

Your HR function

HR support is organised differently in different parts of the university, which means that HR functions may be located at departmental, institutional or office level.

If you do not know who your nearest HR function is, please contact the HR manager at your office.