Step 2: Requirements profile and advertisement
Support for managers
This page provides support and information about step two in the recruitment process for doctoral students.
Content on this page:
Requirements profile
The next step in the recruitment process is for the recruiting organization to produce a requirements profile as a basis for the advertisement. The requirements profile should be based on the needs analysis and the university requirements profile template should always be used.
The requirements profile should contain clear information about:
- the organization in which the employee will be located
- entry requirements and postgraduate subject
- qualification requirements and merits regarding education, experience, knowledge and skills
- any work tasks (departmental duties) to be performed
- possible areas of responsibility
Consider whether there are more people than the review panel who should participate in the requirements profile work. At this stage it is a good idea to get input from, for example, current doctoral students, colleagues, or others who are affected by the employment.
Template: Requirements profile doctoral student (Word 51 kB, new tab)
Vacancy announcement
The vacancy announcement should be based on the requirements profile and should be designed in a clear and measurable way. A well-written and clear advertisement increases the chance of getting the “right” candidates and a manageable search field.
The vacancy announcement should always
- be advertised on the university’s and the employment service’s website
- advertised for at least three weeks
- advertised in Swedish
- advertised in English via Euraxess
The vacancy announcement is created in the recruitment system by the HR function in consultation with the recruiting manager. The HR function is responsible for ensuring that the advertisement follows the university’s templates and regulations and that it is written in a way that appeals to the applicants.
Selection questions
In the recruitment system, it is possible to use selection questions, which can facilitate the work of selection at a later stage. There are also examples of ready-made vacancy announcements that can be used as a starting point. Contact your HR officer for support regarding selection questions and how to design the vacancy announcement.
Vacancy channels
Once the vacancy proposals has been finalized, it is important to consider how it will be disseminated. What is the target group and how and where can it best be reached?
Several vacancy channels can be accessed via the recruitment system, other sites should be used via our contracted advertising agency.
Contact your HR support to get help with which vacancy channels might be appropriate
Contact your nearest HR function at faculty level/equivalent.
Via the HR Division's case management system, it is also possible, based on your role in the HR work, to ask questions to the HR Division in different areas.
Log in to the case management system
Your HR function
HR support is organised differently in different parts of the university, which means that HR functions may be located at departmental, institutional or office level.
If you do not know who your nearest HR function is, please contact the HR manager at your office.