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Recruitment process for amanuensis and student staff

Support for managers

This page provides support and information on the recruitment process for amanuenses and student staff.

Content on this page: 

Please note: The recruitment process for amanuenses and student staff should always follow the standard TA recruitment process. This process is only an addition and specifies the parts that differs when it comes to recruiting amanuenses and student staff.


A position as an amanuensis requires that the employee is studying at the faculty where the position will be located. The tasks of an amanuensis can be within research, teaching, or administration, but the tasks must be linked to the academic work. 

Employment as an amanuensis may not exceed 50 percent of full working hours and is limited to a maximum of one year. The employment may be renewed, but the total period of employment may not exceed 3 years. The amanuensis must be an active student during the entire period of employment. The provisions regarding employment as an amanuensis can be found in HF chapter 5 §9.

Read more about amanuenses here 

The working time agreement that applies to amanuenses is governed by the work tasks. In the case of main tasks within administration and support for research, the flextime agreement applies. If the main tasks are teaching, the teachers' working time agreement applies.

Job description template for amanuensis (Word 100 kB, new tab)

Student staff

Student staff can be employed throughout LU, but their work tasks must be clearly linked to their studies. For example, a communications student may work in communications, a chemistry student may work as a laboratory support, or a law student may work in support of legal interpretations or contracts.

Student staff works according to a fixed schedule agreed between the student worker and the employer. Student staff may be employed for a maximum of one semester at a time and may be employed a maximum of four times regardless of the length of the employment. 

Provisions regarding employment as student staff are contained in the agreement on conditions for temporary employment as student staff.

Job description template for student workers (Word 100 kB, new tab)

Employment and introduction

The basis for the employment of amanuenses and student staff is the same as for other employees, but they are often new to working life and therefore need clear tasks and a present manager/supervisor during working hours at Lund University. This is especially true at the beginning of the employment where the manager/supervisor needs to spend extra time during the introduction.

Make sure to provide the same information to the amanuensis/student staff as to other employees in terms of illness, vacation, evacuation routes, ergonomics, safety (especially when working in a lab environment) and working hours (a tip can be to use the flextime form regardless of which tasks the employment involves). 

Also remember to introduce the person to other employees and provide information about the more social aspects of the work, such as the lunch room, when you usually have coffee, invite to the Christmas party, etc.

Read more about introducing new employees here


Contact your nearest HR function at faculty level/equivalent.

Via the HR Division's case management system, it is also possible, based on your role in the HR work, to ask questions to the HR Division in different areas.

Log in to the case management system

Your HR function

HR support is organised differently in different parts of the university, which means that HR functions may be located at departmental, institutional or office level.

If you do not know who your nearest HR function is, please contact the HR manager at your office.